
Peer-reviewed Journals

Miller HP, Levey AI, Rothstein JD, Tzingounis AV, Conn PJ. Alterations in glutamate transporter protein levels in kindling-induced epilepsy.J. Neurochem. 68:1564-70 (1997).

Tzingounis AV, Lin CL, Rothstein JD, Kavanaugh MP. Arachidonic acid activates a proton current in the rat glutamate transporter EAAT4. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 17315-7 (1998).

Lin CL, Tzingounis AV, Jin L, Furuta A, Kavanaugh MP, Rothstein JD. Molecular cloning and expression of the rat EAAT4 glutamate transporter subtype. Mol. Brain Res. 63:174-9 (1998).

Prince HC, Tzingounis AV, Levey AI, Conn PJ. Functional downregulation of GluR2 in piriform cortex of kindled animals. Synapse 38:489-98 (2000).

Bergles DE, Tzingounis AV, Jahr CE. Comparison of coupled and uncoupled currents during glutamate uptake by GLT-1 transporters. J. Neurosci. 22:10153-62 (2002).

Larsson HP, Tzingounis AV, Koch HP, Kavanaugh MP. Fluorometric measurements of conformational changes in glutamate transporters. PNAS 101:3951-56 (2004).

Fukata Y, Tzingounis AV, Trinidad JC, Fukata M, Burlingame AL, Nicoll RA, Bredt DS. Molecular constituents of neuronal AMPA receptors. J. Cell Biol. 169:399-404 (2005).

Wadiche JI*, Tzingounis AV*, Jahr CE. Intrinsic kinetics determines the time course of neuronal synaptic transporter currents. PNAS 103:1083-87 (2006). *: JIW and AVT contributed equally

Tzingounis AV and Nicoll RA. Arc/Arg3.1: Linking gene expression to synaptic plasticity and memory. Neuron 52: 403-7 (2006).

Tzingounis AV, Kobayashi M, Takamatsu K, Nicoll RA. Hippocalcin gates the calcium activation of the slow afterhyperpolarization in hippocampal pyramidal cells. Neuron 53: 487-493 (2007).

Previewed in Neuron 53:467-8 and Editor’s choice in Sci. STKE 2007, tw75 (2007)

Tzingounis AV and Wadiche JI. Glutamate transporters: confining runaway excitation by shaping synaptic transmission. Nat. Rev. Neurosci 8: 935-47 (2007).

Tzingounis AV and Nicoll RA. Contribution of KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 to the medium and slow afterhyperpolarization currents. PNAS 105:19974-9 (2008).

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Tzingounis AV, Heidenreich M, Kharkovets T, Spitzmaul G, Jensen HS, Nicoll RA, Jentsch TJ. The KCNQ5 potassium channel mediates a component of the afterhyperpolarization current in mouse hippocampus. PNAS 107:10232-7 (2010).

Soh H and Tzingounis AV. The specific slow afterhyperpolarization inhibitor UCL2077 is a subtype-selective blocker of the epilepsy associated KCNQ channels. Mol. Pharm. 78:1088-95 (2010).

Tzingounis AV, von Zastrow M, Yudowski GA. Beta-blocker drugs mediate calcium signaling in native CNS neurons by β-arrestin-biased agonism. PNAS 107:21028-33 (2010).

Maciaszek JL, Soh H, Kim KS, Walikonis RS, Tzingounis AV*, Lykotrafitis G*. Topography of native SK channels revealed by force nanoscopy in living neurons. J.Neurosci. 32: 11435-11440 (2012). *co-corresponding authors

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Andrade R, Foehring RC, Tzingounis AV. The calcium-activated sAHP: cutting through the Gordian knot. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 6:47 (2012).

Hawryluk J, Takakura AC, Wenker IC, Moreira TS, Tzingounis AV*, Mulkey DK*. KCNQ channels determine serotonergic drive of breathing. J.Neurosci. 32:16943-52 (2012). *co-corresponding authors

Kim KS, Kobayashi M, Takamatsu K, Tzingounis AV. Hippocalcin and KCNQ channels contribute to the kinetics of the slow afterhyperpolarization. Biophys. J. 103: 2446-54 (2012).

Profiled as New and Notable in Biophys. J. 104: 281-3 (2013).

Soh H, Pant R, LoTurco JJ, Tzingounis AV. Conditional deletions of epilepsy associated KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 channels from cerebral cortex cause differential effects on neuronal excitability.

JNeurosci. 34(15):5311-21 (2014).

Zhou Y, Wang X, Tzingounis AV, Danbolt NC, Larsson HP. EAAT2 (GLT-1; slc1a2) glutamate transporters reconstituted in liposomes argues against heteroexchange being substantially faster than net uptake. JNeurosci. 34(40):13472-85 (2014).

Hawkins VE*, Hawryluk JM*, Takakura AC, Tzingounis AV, Moreira TS, Mulkey DK. HCN channels contribute to serotonergic modulation of ventral surface chemosensitive neurons and respiratory activity. JNeurophysiol 113(4):1195-205 (2015). *: VEH and JMH contributed equally

Kalappa BI, Soh H, Duignan K, Furuya T, Edwards S, Tzingounis AV*, Tzounopoulos T*. Novel Kv7.2/3 (KCNQ2/3)-specific channel activator suppresses in vivo epileptic activity and prevents the development of tinnitus. JNeurosci. 35(23):5311-21 (2015) . *co-corresponding authors

Kim KS, Duignan KM, Hawryluk JM, Soh H, Tzingounis AV. The Voltage Activation of Cortical KCNQ Channels Depends on Global PIP2 Levels. Biophys J. 2016 Mar 8;110(5):1089-98.

Abiraman K, Sah M, Walikonis RS, Lykotrafitis G, Tzingounis AV. Tonic PKA Activity Regulates SK Channel Nanoclustering and Somatodendritic Distribution. J Mol Biol. 2016 Jun 5;428(11):2521-37.

Niday Z, Hawkins VE, Soh H, Mulkey DK, Tzingounis AV. Epilepsy-Associated KCNQ2 Channels Regulate Multiple Intrinsic Properties of Layer 2/3 Pyramidal Neurons. J Neurosci. 2017 Jan 18;37(3):576-586.

Book Chapters and Commentaries

Tzingounis AV, Larsson HP, Kavanaugh MP. Voltage clamp and fluorometric techniques for studying glutamate transporter function. In: Transmembrane Transporters (Quick M, ed). New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc. (2002).

Tzingounis AV and Nicoll RA. Presynaptic NMDA receptors get into the act. Nature Neurosci. 7:419-20 (2004).

Soh H, Niday Z, Tzingounis AV. Cortical KCNQ2/3 channels: insights from knockout mice. Channels 8(5):389-90 (2014).

Mulkey DK, Hawkins VE, Hawryluk JM, Takakura AC, Moreira TS, Tzingounis AV. Molecular underpinnings of ventral surface chemoreceptor function: focus on KCNQ channels. JPhysiol. 593(5):1075-81 (2015).